fredag den 25. oktober 2013

Zacharias the Everliving on Black Zombie Dragon

I have this old general miniature, which i am defenitly looking forward to paint. The miniature is Zacharias the Eveliving on his Zombie dragon, Erebrus.

Sadly enough Zacharias was removed with the 7th edition of warhammer rullebook. Sad, as i loved the story around this character. The story below is his tale in short, as Hammerwiki describes it:

From Hammerwiki:

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Zacharias studied Necromancy from Dieter Helsnicht. Little is know of what he was before, but one day he discovered the location of Melkhior's hidden tower which lay in the Forest of Shadows in the Empire. Melkhior had stolen the Book of Nagash from Wsoran who had been given the book from Nagash himself. Zacharias set off and sneaked into the tower in an attempt to steal the book, but he was caught by Melkhior's Undead minions. Instead of killing the thief, Melkhior turned Zacharias in a Vampire and taught him the dark art for many years.
Zacharias first damned his master for making him a vampire, but he soon complied and was a good and quick student. However, the Book of Nagash was kept far away from his curious eyes and one day, when Melkhior was indulging in the blood of his freshly killed servants, Zacharias descended to the tower's crypt and picked up the unholy tome. Unfortunately, Melkhior caught him and the two fought. Zacharias escaped with his un-live and fled to hide in the Middle Mountains east of Middenheim where he frequently had to move to escape the minions of Melkhior who where searching for him. At last finding a save hiding place, he fell into a slumber for a decade.

When he woke, he discovered that he had gained company in his cave for a Black Dragon had chosen the exact same place to rest, unaware of the vampire's presence. Zacharias drank deeply from the Dragon's blood and survived a month on the beast, gaining untold strength from it. It is said that drinking the blood of a dragon frees the vampire from its need for blood. After the dragon was empty, Zacharias raised the dragon from death and flew back to Melkhior to extract his revenge. Melkhior was driven out, or killed, no-one knows, and Zacharias, attaining the Book of Nagash and all the other wealth Melkhior had gathered, took residence in the Necrach's tower. He there rules the Forest of Shadows, men and Orc fearing him alike.

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I dont have the official rules for this character (still looking for it) but at time of writing this is what Games Workshop lists for this miniature:

Vampire Counts Zacharias on Zombie Dragon
Zacharias now rules over the Forest of Shadows where both the Orcs of the mountains and the people of the forest live in equal fear of the vengeance of Zacharias the Everliving. Zacharias is one of the most powerful wizards in the Old World, and can easily hold his own against a handfull of lesser mages.

This set includes 1 Zacharias on Zombie Dragon.

Availability:  No Longer Available
Part Code:  99110207101

Points: 1015 pts
Vampire Lord6755537510

Unit Size: 1 Magic: Level 1 Wizard Equipment: Hand weapon Special Rules: The Hunger; Undead; Vampiric

Zombie Dragon640666254

Unit Size: 1 Special Rules: Fly; Large Target; Pestilential Breath; Scaly Skin (5+); Swarm of Flies; Terror; Undead

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This is a potential setup discussed on (thanks to 123birds for working on this as well as other comments posted regarding this setup)

Zacharias the Everliving Rules Balancing
So a friend and I are trying to work out a way to make Zacharias. He has to be incredibly good at magic, considering he defeated Melkhior, and has to suck in CC due to how he almost died when he was being chased by Melkhior.

Points: 875 counts as a lord and a hero choice

Magical Items:
Staff of Kappon:
Allows Zacharias to cast on spell each turn at the casting value listed for free. This is in essense a "Free" spell and does not count towards the 1 casting spell a turn maximum

Books Of Nagash:
Whenever Zacharias uses invocation of nehek, he summons d6+D3 models, and he counts as having Lord of dead, Summon Ghouls, and Summon creatures of the night. Lastly, instead of only restoring 1 wounds against non infantry, ethereal, and vampire models, he restores D3 wounds.

Cloak of Night:
When shooting at Zacharias or his mount, the shooter receives a -2 to hit penalty.

Pendant of Nagash:
The Pendant Gives Zacharias a 3+ ward save.

Special Abilities:
Master of Magic:
Zacharias knows all the spells in the Lore of Vampires, Shadows, and death. He also counts as a Level 4 Wizard and generates a total of 6 Power Dice and 3 dispel dice.

Descended from the great line of W'soran, Zacharias has a +2 to all casting attempts he takes.

Zacharias enjoys Flying around on his zombie dragon, Erebrus, such is the power Zacharias put with this dragon that if can act independant from Zacharias, and even has its own personality. Also, due to the power Zacharias puts into him, he always counts as being under the effects of Vanhels Danse Macabre in close combat. But, should the dragon die, roll a dice. On a 1-3 Zacharias suffers D3 Wounds. If you roll a 4-6 he suffers D6 wounds. He cannot save any of these wounds in any way. These wounds cannot kill him though, and he cannot regain them through invocation of Nehek or any way.

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